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What We Offer
Refer a ClientRecuperative care provides medical oversight to homeless individuals recovering from an illness or injury. Combined with housing placement services and case management, recuperative care allows individuals with complex medical and psychosocial needs the opportunity to recover in a stable environment while reducing potential health complications and hospital re-admissions.
Hospital Partnership
We recognize and understand the needs of our more than 60 hospital partners seeking the best solutions for the safe discharge of their patients who are without a home.
Temporary Housing
Clients discharged to a recuperative care program are less likely to be readmitted to the hospital within 90 days. We offer semi-private rooms to ensure clients have the privacy and comfort to fully recuperate.
Social Services
Individuals living on the street face higher rates of mental illness and substance abuse. To support our clients dealing with these challenges, we help them obtain housing, IDs and benefits, and arrange services that may include access to mental health, primary care, rehabilitation and other community resources.
Medical Oversight
Professional medical staff at our recuperative care sites provide compassionate care to help clients continue their recovery, offsetting the financial impact to hospitals. Clients also receive meals, transportation to doctor’s appointments and case management from a social worker.
Bridge Housing
Housing and health are inextricably linked. We provide a continuum of care for individuals who are exiting recuperative care and awaiting permanent housing placement.
Coordinated Entry System
There should be no “wrong door” for a client who wants to move off the street. We enroll all incoming clients in Los Angeles County’s CES to ensure access to appropriate housing resources.