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Refer a ClientOver 69,000 people experience homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County according to the latest 2022 Homeless Count.
At NHF, we believe in providing a dignified experience to people experiencing homelessness as we help them find their way home, starting with National Health Foundation’s Recuperative Care program.
What is Recuperative Care?
Also known as medical respite, recuperative care programs provide hospitals a safe discharge for patients experiencing homelessness when they no longer require hospitalization but still need to recover from an illness or injury. Currently, NHF manages three Recuperative Care sites across Los Angeles and Ventura County.
Bridging Hospital to Home
At National Health Foundation, our recuperative care programs offer a temporary home where guests can recuperate and heal while receiving top-tier services and support from highly skilled and caring staff. We exist to provide radical hospitality and a healing environment in which everyone under our care can thrive.