Research suggests that individuals who attain higher levels of education live longer, healthier lives than those with fewer years of schooling. Education opens opportunities for better jobs, higher earnings and access to resources for good health.
One barrier that disparately affects low-income, minority populations on the path to higher education is teenage pregnancy. Through teen pregnancy prevention programs, National Health Foundation empowers high-risk youth to make informed decisions regarding their personal, financial, and sexual health. NHF equips youth with educational tools to help them make healthy life choices, graduate from high school, and prepare for college or vocational achievement.
Learn more about our Be a Star and Pregnant & Parenting Teen Programs below:
Be a Star
National Health Foundation’s Be a STAR (Successful Teen Acting Responsibly) program is a dynamic school-based teen pregnancy prevention program that provides social, emotional, and academic support to youth at select LAUSD high schools. Core activities include a series of peer-group weekly workshops that help participants gain knowledge and build skill sets to increase school achievement and overall health.
NHF is now partnering with ETR (Education + Training + Research) to pilot and evaluate the impact of YPAR on sexual and reproductive health outcomes for young people. With ETR’s support, NHF will grow and improve its youth interventions that engage young people in sexual and reproductive health programs, services, and system change efforts.
Pregnant & Parenting Teens
National Health Foundation’s Pregnant and Parenting Teen (PPT) program supports pregnant and parenting teens in preventing a subsequent pregnancy and graduating high school. The PPT program activities focus on self-empowerment, promotion of healthy behaviors and enhanced parenting skills.
Our Impact
For more information about National Health Foundation’s work in education, please contact: